Paris, France

Traveling to Paris with my best friends! Our hostel was in China town and we were visiting during a Chinese Holiday so there were rituals, parades, and celebrations in our neighborhood every day and night.

It was incredible! When we first arrived we made friends with a local who helped us find our way to our hostel. He also gave us some traveling and sight seeing advice. Our first day we went to the Louvre, which was so cool. The Louvre, is the world's largest art museum and a historic monument in Paris, France and also is home to the Mona Lisa (Pictured below).

We went to a market in town and bought a bunch of champagne and walked around a park where we found a ferris wheel that allowed you to see the whole city, The Roue de Paris. We snuck are champagne on the ride. It was super romantic and I highly recommend! The second day we bought a lock and wrote all our names on it to lock to the famous bridge amongst many others. This is a tradition that most people do with a boyfriend or a husband but we put all six of our names on it. UPDATE: This bridge has been removed and Paris is trying to ban love locks. So I guess it is kind of considered a "Fuck You" to Paris and it's locals if you do it, so don't. Sorry Paris, this was before your face lift. 


Later we went to the Eiffel tower and bought more champagne because we thought it would be cute to drink some champagne and watch the eiffel tower lights (You should google a video of this, super pretty).




Our pre-game got pretty sketchy quickly when the Eiffel tower alarm started sounding and then these guys wouldn't leave us alone. We took off to the main street and one of the guys started following us! Luckily we saw a police station and hung out there until we couldn't see him. So take note, Eiffel Tower is NOT somewhere to be at night, watch the lights from somewhere else. We went to hail a cab and while figuring out our cab situation, surprise, the man is behind us again! My friend from CU, threatened to break her champagne bottle on his head while we crammed in the cab to get away.

We went to a local club and it was very cave-like, different from Barcelona's. I met some French boys who spoke a little Spanish. I attempted to talk to them but both of our Spainsh was terribly and it got too frustrating. Communicating was difficult, as we knew no French but people were a lot friendlier than I expected and almost everyone was willing to help. Oh we also got kicked out of McDonald's by the bouncer- Yes, Paris McDonald's had a bouncer and when they close, you leave or get removed, physically. 

Below are some views from Bellville Park,